View previous Sunday service recordings using this link to our Vimeo page not the link in individual service descriptions.

Oneness & Intersectionality

Jeremy Lent, an author whose writings investigate the patterns of thought that have led our civilization to its current crisis of sustainability has said, “Our values arise from our identity.” This reflects the essence of our faith as Unitarian Universalists, urging us to transcend individualism and nationalism. Through self-reflection, we seek to dissolve barriers and […]

No One’s an Island, We’re in this Together

Drawing inspiration from the timeless words of John Donne and Howard Thurman, “No man is an island, no man lives alone,” we continue the theme of interdependence. Together we will explore the depth of personal responsibility in shaping our societal fabric and on what urges us to engage actively in the social orders we live, […]

Lean on Me

It has been said, “when members of the Native American Blackfoot tribe meet each other, they don’t ask “How are you?” Instead, they ask “How are the connections?” This month’s Soul Matters theme is Interdependence and we will be exploring the health of how our various individual and communal “connections.” How are your connections to […]