Treasurer’s September Report to Congregation

Treasurer’s September  Report to Congregation

by Ev Anderson, Disbursing Treasurer,

Budget Report 09-2019

To view the September Budget Report (budgeted income and expenses), click here.

As we ordain a new minister, do you sense a newfound optimism and enthusiasm in our
congregation? That is certainly true for pledge receipts! Year-to-date, our pledge collections stand at $110,324 in an annual budget of $248,558. That’s 44.39% in the bank during the first quarter of this fiscal year, with 25% as the September target. Even late pledges from FY 2018-19 are up, with $9,104 collected between July and September.

Meanwhile, expenses remain in check, at $62,769 year-to-date, or 23.02% of their pro-rated25% target for September. Netting out total income from all sources and expenses, the former exceed the latter by $4,270 for the month and a whopping $62,274 for the year– figures that include prior year pledges. In short, we have started the first quarter of FY 2019-20 with a fiscal bang!

Outside the operating budget, September’s Sunday plate collections included $403 for the
Kearney Center / shelter meals and $472 for Grace Mission – both charities that provide meals, job counseling and other valuable services for the neediest members of our community. The ordination service for William Levwood on Sunday, September 22 nd , also yielded a generous plate collection of over $1,050 for the scholarship fund at William’s Alma Mater, the Starr King School for the Ministry in Berkeley, California.