Dinners for Eight—Fellowship is Great!

It’s B-a-a-a-ack! “Dinners for Eight” is planned for the months of January through March 2023 and we want you to participate! The dinners are a great way for new and seasoned members to share fellowship with each other.

We have a few hosts who have offered their homes to guests, and a few others who are planning events outside their homes. (We could always use more hosts!) Guests can pick a date that works for them. Check your calendars and make some time for this fellowship opportunity.

Traditionally, hosts provide the main dish (vegan, meat, or both) and beverages, and coordinate with guests who bring the rest of the meal items (salad, bread, side dish, dessert, etc.).

For a different option (one that doesn’t require cleaning your house), hosts could also plan to attend a community event together, host a picnic in a park, or plan to meet at a pool hall or wine bar. Fellowship can happen in many locations. Each participant would contribute toward the scheduled activity.

Dinners are specified as either Adults-only or Intergenerational. Intergenerational dinners are for families and adults who enjoy socializing with children. Parents are also welcome to attend adults-only dinners.

Sign up sheets will be available on the veranda after the Sunday services starting in January.

Please email Bonnie Abellera at dinnersfor8@uutallahassee.org if you have questions or if you would like to sign up as a host.

Let’s celebrate our community!