Food For Thought – a Healthier You, a Healthier Planet gives us a platform to discuss our dietary habits and how the foods we eat impact not only our own health and well-being, but also our environment.  We view videos, have book discussions, provide resources and share recipes to encourage each other to maintain healthier and more environmentally friendly diets.  We meet on the second Thursday of each month.

For more information contact

In 2008, the UUA General Assembly chose Ethical Eating: Food and Environmental Justice for study and action, and then in 2011, a Statement of Conscience on Ethical Eating was adopted and an Ethical Eating Study Guide* was written.

Food for Thought Posts

  • Green Sanctuary’s Food for Thought Discussion Group Takes the Summer Off

    Green Sanctuary’s Food for Thought Discussion Group Takes the Summer Off

    As the month of June appears in the rear-view mirror, July is roaring in like a blow torch. Thankfully, only one named Tropical storm at this point, so let’s hope things remain calm. For the next two months our Green Sanctuary Food for Thought discussion group will be taking a summer break. But don’t worry,…

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  • Food for Thought Makes a Date with Death

    Food for Thought Makes a Date with Death

    This month our Green Sanctuary’s Food for Thought discussion group will be doing something completely different. We’re launching into a collaboration with the adult religious exploration’s Date with Death discussion group. This month we will be listening to a presentation on the various ways bodies are dealt with after death – from conventional burials to…

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  • May Flowers and Food for Thought

    May Flowers and Food for Thought

    While May flowers have been brought on by April showers, our May Food for Thought monthly meeting will not be brought forth by our April meeting. We will be taking a month off to accommodate the congregational budget meetings that will be taking place in room L. The importance of these budget meetings cannot be…

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  • April Showers Us With Change

    April Showers Us With Change

    The Food for Thought discussion group will meet April 14th this month right after church at 12:30pm in Room L. I hope you’ll have time to join us. Bring a bag lunch and some snacks to share if you’re so inclined and be ready for an engaging discussion focused on food and climate, or anything…

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  • Time Marches On

    Time Marches On

    The Food for Thought discussion group will meet March 10 this month right after church at 12:30pm in Room L. I hope you’ll have time to join us. Bring a bag lunch and some snacks to share if you’re so inclined and be ready for rousing discussion focused on food and climate, or anything else…

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  • Are You Used to Writing 2024 Yet?

    Are You Used to Writing 2024 Yet?

    Yes, the new year is really on us now. How does it feel wearing this new year as you shimmy into its new outfit? Well, the first month of this new year has blown by and on February 11th we’ll be having our second meeting this year for our Food for Thought discussion group. First,…

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