Category: Messages from the Music Director

Message from the Music Director: Transformation

I want to start this newsletter by inviting contributions in the form of spoken word, dance, poetry, music, art in any form from congregants to support the service on March 17, that explores Transformation. It would be neat to see visual artists during the service in the process of crafting their oeuvre; or hear a […]

Message from the Music Director: Mystery

How do you relate to mystery? Is it a place of magic? Does it contain unknown elements that may trigger fears? Does it stop you from living or does it encourage you to be curious? Is your main response trying to conceptualize it and understand it? Or are you more interested in the feelings that […]

Message from the Music Director: Generosity

In November we will be exploring the theme of generosity in worship.  A choir member said recently that generosity and gratitude go hand in hand, therefore what a fitting time for us to reflect upon this virtue.  In thinking about what is the best gift I can offer to the world I turn, again, to […]

Message from the Music Director: Emanation

The first worship service in August is a New Year celebration inspired by Egyptian religious practices. For me it’s a season of many beginnings, trying to name them would require an entirely different article. I was amazed at this serendipity. Inspired by the modern ballet production of Coppel-i.A’s themes of artificial intelligence and the movie […]

Message from the Music Director

‘Tis the Season to be Vulnerable Yesterday I learnt about fake guilt.  It is basically when people feel guilty for anything on a daily basis, for not being good enough, for doing things a certain way, and falling short on their performance expectations.  It seems nowadays people are open to sharing more, allowing themselves to […]

Message from the Music Director

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly As winter nears, we embrace the season with hope, as tradition mandates. Deep down our ancestors left us a biased legacy, beneath the surplus of religious text, that is most loyal to the northern hemisphere experience of the seasons. Are we perhaps able to feel what this season means […]

Message from the Music Director

Sabbatical Chronicles Final InstallmentDiscernment: Owning our Thoughts and Feelings Everyone from my original group has finally left the jungle. I am referring to the group that joined me in the Amazons during my Sabbatical. We stay connected through a shared Facebook group and a Whatsapp chat. We share about our journeys coming back home, and […]