Board Notes

Exciting news! After much research, thought, and deliberation, UUCT is progressing quickly toward the long-awaited sound system update. Installation of the new equipment will greatly improve the quality of our Sunday services (and other group meetings), both online and in-person. UUCT is contracting with a company that has prior experiences with church installations; those congregations highly recommended their work. S&L Integrated will begin installation as soon as January, for a February launch.

A huge thanks to Bob Deyle, Howard Pardue, Warren Brackmann, and everyone else involved in this multi-year project.

Also exciting—UUCT has the joyful opportunity to host the ordination of Community Minister EN Hill! Learn more at the December 4th congregational meeting, following the Sunday service.

Please thank Aun-drey Brown, Rei Myers, Debbie Tipton, Jennifer Carver, Len Adams and Sally Andersen when next you meet, for agreeing to fill very important volunteer roles. Aun-drey, Rei, Debbie, and Jennifer are on the search committee for the Director of Religious Exploration; Len and Sally are half of the Developmental Minister search committee (two more people needed).

The Board voted to:

  • Recommend to the congregation that UUCT ordain EN Hill.
  • Approve a motion from the Finance Committee to contract with S&L Integrated, of Thomasville, GA, to upgrade the sound system. The motion also includes hiring a part-time tech position. The total cost will be $96,362.18, funded from three legacy funds: Tom Chase, Mimi Jones, and Linda Logan.
  • Direct the personnel committee to calculate the cost of two position changes for FY 2023-2024:
    • The cost of the DRE position if the hours increase to 35 hrs (full time) and if the hours remain at 30 hrs. 
    • The cost of creating a permanent part-time tech position
  • Approve the consent agenda (October board minutes, October financial reports, and 2023-2024 budget materials.

Did you attend the December 4th congregational meeting?  Watch for future informational meetings hosted by UUCT teams and committees. Bring your questions!

Congregants are welcome to attend board meetings to observe, or to address the Board. The remaining 2022 meeting is on December 15, at 6:30 pm; note that this is the third Thursday, not the regular board meeting date. To receive the zoom link and agenda or to be added to the agenda, contact the board president at: