Board Notes

lightbulb brainstorming

September 17 is the date for the UUCT Leadership Retreat!

The Board, the Nominating Committee, and the Committee on Ministry invite all interested members to participate. You can attend either at church (Covid status permitting) or online. The discussion begins at 10 am and continues until 2 pm, with a break for lunch.

The agenda is tentative; if you have a suggestion, please contact a board member. Proposed topics include: 

  • Initiating a conversation about the endowment—what policies guiding its use might the congregation consider? 
  • Leadership re-organizing and governance structure—how does it work, how do committees and teams fit in?
  • Reinvigorating the congregation, post-pandemic—who are we now, how do we create an active, engaged, beloved community? 
  • Setting goals for this fiscal year—what are the congregational priorities? 
  • How will they guide our search for a developmental minister and a new director of religious exploration?

Board members also created and agreed upon a covenant, a set of promises to each other that will guide our interactions this year.

At the recommendation of the Finance Committee, the Board approved:

  • Spending $7328 from the reserve funds to replace the office AC unit (a bucket currently prevents the offices from flooding and the unit was deemed too old for repairs).
  • Authorizing Robert Burgess as a credit card holder, for hospitality expenses.

The Board also approved the consent agenda (July 28th minutes, July 2022 financial reports) and the addition of a link to each month’s approved minutes in the Meridian.

The next meeting is September 22 at 6:30. Congregants are welcome to attend to observe or to address the Board. To receive the zoom link and agenda or to be added to the agenda, contact President Kay Stuart-Tilley