Board Notes

lightbulb brainstorming

The fast-approaching new fiscal year and its UUCT governance experiment led to board discussions concerning necessary adjustments.

The board approved two decisions to prepare the smaller, six-person board for July:

  • The quorum for regular votes at board meetings is set at five. 
  • The board will delegate responsibility for authorizing checks to the chairperson or other team leader in charge of the budget for the related expense. If the chairperson or team leader is requesting personal reimbursement, a board member must authorize the expense. If the chairperson or team leader is unavailable when a check requires authorization, any board member may authorize the expenditure.

After an update on the Religious Exploration program, and in response to a proposal from Rev Holly, the board and Director of Religious Exploration Helen Cassara mutually committed that:

  • Helen will continue as DRE for FY 2022-23, with the understanding that part of their work will prepare the RE program for transition to a new DRE. 
  • The church will seek and select its next Director of Religious Exploration to begin early in FY 2023-24.

Late summer/fall 2022 will feature volunteer training and opportunities for OWL programs!

Four of our board members have completed their terms of service. Rev Holly expressed appreciation for the important work and dedication of Bonnie Abellera, Terri Martin, Rod Oldenburg, and Steve Urse. The continuing board members added their accolades! We will miss the energy and thoughtful participation of Bonnie, Terri, Rod, and Steve as we maneuver through decisions in the upcoming months.

The board approved the minutes from its May 26, 2022, meeting.

The next meeting will be July 28 at 6:30. Congregants are welcome to attend as observers, or to address the board. To receive the zoom link and agenda, or to address the board, contact President Kay Stuart-Tilley at